5 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Becoming Essential in Your Daily Life

Ever imagined your life without social media, smart phone and its apps? Have you pondered how search engines predict texts? Consider going to an unknown place without the assistance of google map. There are maximum chances you will get lost. Thankfully, we have artificial intelligence to rely on in our day-to-day life. If you think AI has no part in your life activities, you need to reconsider.

Here are some of the major reasons it has become an essential part of your routine:


So far, many major investments have been made in AI approaches in the field of healthcare. Medical practice is expanding into areas that were thought to be restricted to human expertise. AI has the key role in the machines that analyze, diagnose, and may direct the course of the disease as well as monitor the health. It is becoming natural to use AI in this field.

Social Networking and Phones

We often wonder how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. seem to know posts we find interesting. It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s actually AI behind the curtain. Social websites use AI to monitor the activities of the users. It suggests posts according to the likes and comments of the users. Facebook also has a proactive detection feature that scans posts that might indicate self-harm.

Instagram uses AI to fight cybercrimes, delete offensive content, and target products for advertisements. Twitter uses it for enhancing the user experience. Pinterest utilizes computer vision for automatic identification of objects in images. All social networks use spam filters to prevent unwanted content.

Mobile phones also take advantage of AI for predictive text, face recognition ID, fingerprint lock, screen adjustments to light/battery life, blocking contacts, and other similar functions. It helps in using our phones conveniently.

Search engines and Emails

Search engines like google apply algorithm for finding accurate and relevant content for you. Its predictive search is based on the collection of your personal data to ensure the display of appropriate content.

Emails take the help of AI to filter your emails and block sensitive content. It has an automated system with smart replies to save your time. It efficiently sorts out your emails into primary, social or promotion folders depending on the content. Imagine the hustle and bustle of finding your important emails! AI does that for you using search tools.

Virtual Assistant and Chatbot

Siri, Cortana, Alexa, google assistant and alike are digital assistants having a variety of functions owing to AI. Sending commands, checking schedules, searching on the web are a few examples. AI decides how these apps work as it learns from every user interaction.

The implementation of chatbots enhances productivity of the company and saves time. Chatbots recognize frequently asked questions. Hence, it provides helpful content to the customers with common questions.

Google Maps

Google maps offer the fastest direction to your desired location. It calculates the traffic and other factors that might affect the route with the help of artificial intelligence. You can send your location to someone or track others’ location using google maps.

AI has eased our life. Online banking, Amazon recommendations, commuting, and automated cars are some other examples. Assume your life without these luxuries. It would be inconvenient and tedious, right?

Which of the AI applications do you find impossible to live without? Comment with your favorite one.



Hairat Himayat | SEO Content Writer | Freelancer

SEO Content Writer | Freelancer | Proofreader and editor | Video Script Writer